About honey

Honey is a dense and crystallized foodstuff produced by bees.

It is created from different sources: from flower nectar or other extracts from living plant parts or from different kinds of honeydew. The bees bring the basic material into the beehive, where they process it and add the extract from their glands, condense it and then store it in covered cells of the comb.

Simply put, honey is a relatively concentrated aqueous solution from three kinds of sugar: fructose (about 40%), glucose (about 34%) and saccharose (between 1 and 4%). It also contains up to 18% of water, ferments (diastase, invertase, catalase, peroxidase, lipase), minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, chlorine, phosphorus, iodine, 22 elements in all) and organic acids, vitamins, proteins and some other substances.

We know several kinds of honey that got their name after the plants from which the bees collect the nectar or sweet juices. In our country we produce acacia honey, flower honey, forest honey, chestnut honey, lime honey, pine honey and fir honey.

Because of its high nutritional value, specific aroma and other properties, honey in its various forms, is very popular in nutrition. Since it consists of grape and fruit sugar, it is easily digestible and the body instantly transforms it into energy. Many athletes consume it on a regular basis, as it serves as instant food for the muscles. The research of the training for the Olympics in Mexico showed that while grape and invert sugar only slightly improve performance in top-level sport, honey can increase performance by 48%. After consuming honey, muscles can endure longer and greater exertions. During his ascent on the Mount Everest, Hillary has, in addition to other food, consumed 2 kilograms of honey.

Crystallization of honey

Crystallization of honey is a natural phenomenon that sooner or later occurs in honey without any chemical alterations to its composition. The speed of cristallization depends on the sugar composition of honey (the glucose/fructose ratio), the amount of water in it and the storage temperature. Put the glass of cristallized honey in warm water and the cristals will liquefy. The honey must not be heated over 45 ºC or it will lose its medicinal properties.

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