
  • the oldest bee fossil found is 25 to 50 million years old,
  • in 18th century beekeeping was already highly advanced in Slovenia,
  • Anton Janša`s teachings weren`t scientifically proven until 200 years later,
  • Peter Pavel Glavar established the first apicultural school in Lanšprež,
  • the Carniola bee breed is the second most widespread bee breed in the world, and is the leading breed in Europe,
  • the bee larva increases its weight 500-times in six days,
  • the queen mates only once in a lifetime with 12 to 25 drones; it mates outside the hive in nature,
  • the tasks in the hive, which are fulfilled by bees aged of up to 3 weeks, are carefully distributed among them depending on their age. After 3 weeks they become field bees which start flying out of the hive,
  • a bee`s wing makes 250 to 300 rotations per second during flight, it flies with speeds of up to 24 km/h, and on short distances even up to 40 km/h,
  • a bee can fly to a pasture 3 to 4 km away from its hive, in extraordinary circumstances even further,
  • the bees communicate with each other through dance on the distance, direction and the abundance of pasture,
  • the highest daily yield on a pasture can be 10 kg of nectar per bee colony,
  • 1 kg of honey gives as much energy as 3 kg of fresh beef or 50 eggs or 5 liters of milk or 3 kg of freshwater fish or 6 kg of oranges or 3 kg of bananas,
  • honey is a valued food and remedy from old times, it is the product of bees which can be said to contain a piece of unspoiled nature, it was praised by Homer and Democritus, and Pythagoras once said:”If I hadn`t eaten honey, I would have died forty years ago.”,
  • the current discoveries regarding the role of royal jelly on development of the bee, show, that it has a highly biological role in the evolution of the colony. Among others, it lengthens the life expectancy, as the queen lives 50-times longer than a worker bee.

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